Thursday, 11 December 2014

horrors of high school no more

At this moment in my life I feel I am finally free from the suffocating, concrete walls of my 'old' school. Being able to let go of those past 4 years has been liberating and amazing. I've certainly experienced the horrors of high school as I know so many others have. 

I remember being so excited to go to high school...I watched American teen movies and just expected the next years of my life to be fun, filled with great friends and interesting boys, but little did I know the first 3 years of high school would be full of ups and downs (unfortunately lots of downs). 

When you're a teenager, you're fragile, full of emotions, expectations and disappointment. Being surrounded by only girls for up until year 10 was not too good for me. Yes, there were no embarrassing period issues in front of boys but being in a school with almost a thousand girls made me realise how much I needed boys in my life. 

I didn't realise until high school how nasty girls could be. The constant gossiping about who's doing what was almost toxic. People didn't have their own opinions, they just followed a leader and if that leader hated someone, so would the rest. I couldn't understand the social side of my former school. Girls would turn their noses up if you spoke to someone they didn't like and one girl was even told she couldn't sit with me. Personally I believe you should be able to sit with whoever you want, whenever you want and everyone should have to deal with it!

So yes, I'm moving schools. Yes, I will miss people, but just to be free from an environment that wasn't right for me is a great feeling. 

I thought leaving those school gates for the last time would feel strange but instead I just felt as though this enormous weight was taken off my shoulders. I could feel the eyes of girls who hated me divert to look at someone else and it felt so good. 

I've bought my new uniform and I'm ready for the next two years of my high school life to be pretty peachy keen!

Farewell enemies & friends from the past and RIP bad school memories from 2011-2014.

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