Friday, 18 April 2014

Friends... & Twin Peaks

Friends are complicated, and I sure have a lot of experience. I am currently wearing an oversized Qantas shirt from years past, listening to the hum of my Dad's music and desperately trying to remember what happened in the last Twin Peaks episode. But trust me, friendship can be dodgy and shitty at the best of times. 

Now ok, I do have friends but I'm at a point in my life where I have decided to do things for myself and not for the so called 'friends' in the world of high school. Being a human is hard but saying "hi" to someone in the corridors isn't. Friendship is a game in high school.People prance around clinging onto people they don't want anything to do with on weekends or even seconds after school. And I have come to a point where I feel as though I am a much happier person to know I have a few friends I know I can tell the most embarrassing stories. And although they may not want to hear about the scariest part in 'The Shining' for the third time, they listen because hey, they're my friend. 

I almost feel like there should be some sort of handbook written by Laura Palmer or Dale Cooper on how to decipher your true friends and the ones that just linger in the background and then pounce on an opportunity when it's a fine time to be your friend (it's always beneficial for them).

I do spend numerous moments wishing I was surrounded by a population of perfect, honest and just darn kind people but who am I kidding? I mean I can't even stand outside a classroom without feeling awkward and surrounded by people I honestly don't want to hear from. I now feel as though the term 'acquaintances' is a more appropriate term for half the people I associate myself with at school. 

But as I close on this message about ugh, friendship; I am safe in the knowledge that I do have a group of people that are really my friends and do take some general interest in discovering what I ate for dinner. Telling them what I ate for dinner could possibly be one of the most boring subjects but at least I'm safe in the knowledge that some people really do care. And for those who are curious, I had meatballs for dinner (trust me they were better than just the dead boring stuff). 

I really don't want to end on some cheesy quote about friendship that will make your eyes roll back into your head. So, I think in the end I feel safe to say that I am proud to take a stand against the fake foes and whether my decisions will have detrimental effects, I shall see. But in the end I will just imagine I'm Audrey (yep, from Twin Peaks) and maybe I can use my charm to make me feel better. 

As a side note; I apologise for all the Twin Peaks references and the constant reference to the term 'friends' or 'friendship' but as you did discover, this post is about friendship. 

Now I shall dream of coffee as black as midnight and cherry pie.

Lily x

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